Monday, May 19, 2008

Saturday was a special day- and we didn't get ready for Sunday

Nope, it was much better than that. We threw P a birthday party and invited the fam-damily over to celebrate. It was the first time that D&C Smith and G&L Smith met. Having the parents meet is always a nerve-racking moment, but my parents met Trav's in-laws the weekend before, and that went swimmingly. So I figured, what the Hell? We've been dating for a couples years now, so it was about time. It went pretty well. My dad said "worm shit" to P's sister-in-law, which was the highlight of my evening.

The best part of the b-day was P and I's complete lack of discretion on spending. His fam went in on a video camera for him, which I picked out and bought before hand (and didn't scrimp on). The idea was to get him one that would work with iStopMotion, a software for making stop-motion films. The video camera I bought doesn't work with it. So we made a special trip back to the Best Buy on Sunday to see about exchanging. Instead of making an exchange, we kept the video camera and purchased a Canon digital camera as well. The still image camera works like a charm with the software, so we are going to sell my other Canon camera on Ebay. So, there went $1000 on electronics in one weekend. Someday, we will learn the fine art of saving money. Until then, at least we are enjoying ourselves.

I spent the remainder of my Sunday lounging around the house, laying out (it was too damn hot for that), and reading "The Power of One". Once it cooled down, we worked on the sprinklers and I finished cleaning up after the party and did some laundry.

All in all, it was a fairly good weekend.


shane smith said...

you didn't get ready for sunday?!?

goin' to hell............

Hostetter Homeschool Academy said...

How'dya like "Power of One?" I really liked it. I like that you have a blog. I'll email an invite to mine so you can see it. Love ya!


Hostetter Homeschool Academy said...

For some reason, I'm logged on under Kayla's username...sorry...this is really Katy. Your long lost friend, who's really only 15 miles away from you.