This is a picture of Shane's car in its post-accident status. Pretty heinous sight.
He was passing through a stop light (his light was green) when some crazy chick slammed into him. Apparently she wasn't paying any attention to her driving whatsoever, because she plowed through a red light going an estimated 45 MPH. I hate it when women do things to make the rest of us look completely incompetent. Why must they do that? I would like to point out, for the record, that I have actually avoided accidents that others would have caused, due to my impeccable defensive driving skills. But I digress...
Shane was taken to the hospital, after a very tactful police office told his wife, "He's okay now that we got the car cut off him." He ended up with a few broken bones (pelvis and ribs, I think?), cuts on his face and arms, and glass in quite a few orifices. After a night in the hospital, a few weeks in a wheel chair, some physical therapy, and walking with a cane for awhile, he'll be water-skiing in no time!
We are all just thankful that he came out of the situation as well as he did. Looking on the bright side, he did get a brand new iPhone out of the whole ordeal, since the iPod that was attached to the left side of his belt was obliterated.
Shane, if you need a good attorney, I saw a commercial on TV for this one guy. I hear he can get you, like, a million dollars or something. :P
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