Friday, April 11, 2008

...On turning 28...

WARNING....This post may be TMI for some....

I was standing in front of the mirror yesterday in my swimsuit, because I was going to get in the hot tub, when I realized something completely unsettling. My boobs are starting to sag. You don't realize these things when wearing a bra. Especially if you don the proper kind of bra, one giving adequate lift and separation. Swimsuits, however, are not quite so forgiving. From now on, I will not wear swimsuits, but instead a full-body wet-suit. I can get away with swimming in that, right?

I have always believed that I would never look old- you know, nipples to my knees, skin like the neck of an elephant (only leathery, rather than gray and hairy). I take care of myself...for the most part. I run, I lift weights, I eat pretty healthy, and I try to wear sunscreen as often as possible. I don't smoke, I brush my teeth religiously, I try to get enough sleep, and I wash my face and put on lotion every night. So why do I feel like I'm falling apart? It's like teen angst part 2- late 20's angst.

So here is what I want for my birthday- I want to be 18 again. If that's not possible, I need $20K for a boob lift and micro-dermabrasion.

I'm done ranting about it now. I will face April 16, 2008 with grace.


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